Monday, June 17, 2013

Final Thoughts On The Course

Favorite Assignment? Why?
My favorite assignment would be the final project 100 Things To Do Before I Die. I wish I was a little more prepared too present it but I love how we watched the Buried Life; I watched it a long time ago and it was my favorite show. I think it's amazing how many people they helped and how they helped themselves, it really inspired me to do that same. I also like how we wrote down a bucket list because I've always been planning to write one and now I truly hope to check everything off of it.

Least Favorite Assignment? Why?
My least favorite assignment would be the Twitter Fiction because I'm horrible at short stories, trying to make something up and it actually making it good was really hard for me. And the tweets made it easier but harder at the same time. It was hard how you could only write 140 characters for each tweet which I though was a lot longer then it actually was. It massed up my story a little bit to how I wanted it to turn out.

Friday Reading?
I loved the Friday reading, it was a calming/relaxed class and the time I had to read my book was so much easier then trying to read at night or during the day when I would usually have no time too.

Monday Written Reflection?
The written reflection on my book I felt like I never knew what to write about so it took me so long to complete them. I would of just rather read and put a short write up about my book on my blog.

The Writer's Notebook?
I like having the writer's notebook to write in, I've always had a journal/diary but the notebook isn't so personal and it was through school with all my assignments in it which I liked. Rather then writing on loose-leaf or worksheets, I felt way more organized and actually had the motivation to write in my school journal.

Blogging was awesome! I really enjoy doing this in the class room and having my very own professional blog. I hope to keep something like this going either with this blog or a new one.

I wasn't the biggest fan when it came to tweeting, I have my own twitter but I wasn't sure how to use it in the class room and I thought that the blog was enough to keep up with.

The Integration Of Technology Into The Course?
I really like the idea of technology for learning. Kids are familiar with it, it's way easier and more convenient. Making and putting everything on my blog was fun, it's cool having my own blog and it was also nice how I could do it strait from my phone.

What You Learned About Yourself As A Reader, Writer, Thinker, and Creator?
As a reader I learned that I really like reading but I just have never found the time or effort to pick up a book and read it which I plan to do a lot more. If I focus and get into the book I'm reading then I could accomplish reading many books. As a witter I've learned that I can't stick to a main story, I usually trail off and just extend the story when it doesn't need to be. I'm going to try prevent myself from doing that and hopefully fix it. As a thinker I learned that I don't always think for myself, I find it hard to think of ideas from scratch. I usually need a little jump start or a good idea to make my own creation. I hope to make myself a more independent thinker. As a creator I kind of found the same thing but I'm also not the most creative person, I never really had that gift but this class expanded my mind on how creative you can be with your writing and work.

Burried Life Project

I shared my 100 Things To Do Before I Die, now I'd like to show you the video I made for my project. I chose 25 things from my list and made a short video using a video editor called Wondershare. Enjoy :)

Personal Addittion #16

I chose this as one of my personal additions because I've thought this every single year. But this year I noticed the most change from last year. Last year I couldn't never believe I'd have the life that I do now. I think it changed in a good way, I am more happy with myself then I ever have been. I think everything happens for a reason, and when bad things happen something good always comes out of it. That what happen to me last year I had a really hard time but now I deserve to have a happy and amazing life.

Personal Addition #15

I screen shot this picture from snap chat that I was sending someone because I thought it was too cute! This is my dog Midnight, and yes his name is midnight because he's black. My family got him when I was around 4. My mom picked him up from a farm one night because they were giving away free puppies and if my mom didn't take him he wouldn't have a chance to live. I love him so much, he can be so annoying at times, but in the end he is a good dog and I know he will protect me from anything <3

Personal Addition #14

I am obsessed with sushi! It is so good, I could eat any kind but my favorite would probably be the dynamite roll, AMAZING!

Personal Addition #13

This is my grad dress!! :) I'm so happy with it. I was kind of scared to get black but I thought it was so elegant and different. It was only $160 on sale at David's Bridal, which I though was an amazing deal. It goes perfectly with my grad shoes and the lace at the back makes it so unique. You can't see but it has a slit on the side, but it blends really nicely with the dress and shows off my awesome shoes! 

Personal Addition #12

I took a picture of the Canadian flag because I am Canadian and proud to be! I'm so thankful for all the freedom we get and thankful for being born into Canada because there are some very unfortunate and corrupt places in this world. So I'm happy to be one of the most fortunate people on this earth.

Personal Addition #11

I live so close to Assiniboine Park for a long time. Over the summer and even the winter time I go for walks, runs, and relax there all the time. Get Sargent Sundae with my friends and walk in the park. Let my dog run around and play. I've been to a lot of events there, like the Teddy Bear Pick nick, Canada day, even most of the performances at the Lyric. It's always a nice time and has some really nice sites there. It is definitely my favorite place to relax.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Personal Addition #10

Woohoo! I'm a SENIOR! I'm so excited to finally be done high school, not much longer and I wont be a senior anymore :(. I'm getting kind of sick of this place, even though I'm going to miss it, ALOT. Being in high school was fun but I need to be in the real world and find my life, hopefully it doesn't take me too long but I'm still young. I know I'm ready to move forward and experience new things but  I am happy to say that I'm proud I was a Husky!

Personal Addition #9

Hahahaha! This is my boyfriend Justin Gregory CurĂ©. I chose this picture because this is exactly what he looks like... just kidding. But it reminds me of him so much, he's so funny. I am so happy I met him, he is the most kind hearted, sweet, caring, and adorable guy I've ever met. He is unique in his own way, gives the best advice and knows how to cheer me up when I'm sad. He's so smart and wise, but not everyone gives him credit for it. Everyday he makes me more and more happy. I don't know where life will take us but hopefully it's going to last a long time :)

Personal Addition #8

What were we thinking? Being a kid was the best time of my life, I had so much fun and freedom. I remembering doing all these things when I was a kid. That's why I chose this as one of my personal additions, I miss some of the things I could get away with that I have no chance on now. My favorite was when I would fake being asleep so my dad would carry me to bed, it made me feel like a princess :) I definitely regret wanting to grow up.

Personal Addition #7

I use to be obsessed with Tumblr last year over the summer, I would go on almost every single day. I was looking at my feed one day and saw this picture of the frontal helix of her ear pierced. I've always wanted a cool ear piercing like my tragus or rook but when I saw this, all I could think was "I want this!" The three in a row going from small to big I think looks really cool and unique. Instead of this I got my bellybutton pierced but now it's my goal to get these three :)

Personal Addition #6

Ever since I moved on to my street in grade 3, each summer I've been going to Sargent Sundae. Best ice-cream in Winnipeg.. I swear, it's so good! As I got older my sister applied and got a job there, she got the job in grade 9 when I was in grade 7. I got to know her boss' well, they are a family business and the kindest people ever. They have a son named Andrew who works there, he's pretty close to my age and usually gives me free ice-cream :).  After all these years trying the different types of ice-cream I picked a favorite, a Glacier. Which is a slushy in a cup with real soft iced cream in the middle, sounds kind of gross but tastes amazing! I recommend trying it.

Twitter Fiction

Raini Schlegel           

Twitter Fiction

Grace: Sunday morning every week I wake up at 6:30am. Turn on the same old cartoon and eat my breakfast. Frosted Flakes are my favorite because they’re sweet and crunchy.

Grace: I am dressed, ready and leave my apartment by 8:30am. Where I catch my bus and at work by 9 am.

Grace: The bus is always the same people. When you’re in small town that’s kind of how it works. I really don’t know why I’m still here.

Grace: I get off the bus open my umbrella and walk 3 blocks to work. It seems like a long walk when it’s wet and rainy outside like today. But the fresh smell of rain is the only thing I like.

Grace: I looked around, down the street, the people around me. I usually don’t do this because it’s always the same, but today was different. As I do this I do I notice someone behind me.

Grace: Keeping their distance, between about 4 to 5 people. This man? I think? He stands out... Wearing all black, hiding his face with a hood. The rain is pouring down making it almost impossible to see his face. He’s following my exact footsteps.

Grace: Should I really be paranoid? Or am I making things up. I seem to do that a lot. I seem to scare myself a lot.

Grace: Being scared is definitely my thing. I’m the biggest fan of scary movies; maybe that’s where I get these crazy, paranoid mind games from.

Grace: I’m sure it’s nothing. People can be so creepy and even though I pretty well know this whole town you can’t trust anyone these days anymore.

Grace: Finally, at work. This building is so drafty the rain makes everything so cold. I honestly really don’t want to be here. Being a secretary sucks. Sitting in a desk all day, on a computer and answering phone calls. It could be worse but what can you do.

Grace: I guess this is what happens when you don’t even graduate from high school. Pathetic, isn’t it?

Grace: My boss has to be the most rude and bitter man I think I have ever met. He can’t even do his own work because he’s constantly after me. I don’t think he likes me very much, but I feel the same about him.

Grace: Could my boss be more annoying? Oh well. Lunch is in a half hour anyway, I can survive until then. Hopefully...

Grace: Lunch time is my favorite time of day, I love going out for sushi to the sushi place a block next to my work, a two minute walk then I can have all you can eat!

Grace: I just took my order. As I’m waiting I can see the same man in all black. I take a quick glance at him, he’s looking directly at me, but I can’t see his face.

Grace: He’s sitting in the very corner alone at a table. If he’s trying to hide he’s not doing a very good job of it. So maybe that’s kind of the point?

Grace: This man has to be following me. I usually see the same people a lot but this man is VERY creepy. How he stares at me and wears all black hiding is face. I also get a weird vibe from him, it just creeps me out.

Grace: Now that I think of it he could have been following me for a long time... but how long. Just today, or maybe a week, a month?!?

Grace: I’m eating at the sushi bar; I can’t get this stalker out of my head. I try not to look at him but I turn around every few minutes to see if he’s still there. And of course he is.

Grace: I can’t take this anymore! I need to go home and lock myself in my apartment. If I go back to work now I’ll probably see him..

Grace: I get up and walk to the door, leaving the sushi place. He doesn’t move right away, but as I open the door I see him get up and run towards me!

Grace: I start printing away, trying to hide, lose him, just something! I’m running down the busy street and I think I hear him faintly calling my name... I ignore it.

Grace: Now I’m really scared! Being chased is really putting this over the top and how does he know my name?! But its lunch hour so I’m pretty sure I lost him in the cowed. I need to get on a bus home A.S.A.P.

Grace: I just got on the bus, looking around all paranoid. I’m pretty sure that people on this bus think I’m kind of loopy. I can’t stop panting and twitching my head back and forth. I’m getting some pretty weird looks but I really don’t care, I’m scared to death right now.

Grace: I’m getting off the bus and decide to make a detour to make sure he still isn’t following me. I walk 6 blocks past my apartment and then loop back around the same street, keeping my eyes open of my surroundings.

Grace: I walk up to my apartment building, into the elevator, down the hallway and to my door. My stomach is still in knots. I feel like I might throw up.

Grace: I take my key; put it in the lock and twist. I open my door with caution, slowly step in. I look around briefly, quickly shut the door behind me and lock it, making sure it’s tight.

Grace: I noticed I forgot to call my work saying I’m taking the rest of the day off. I should probably do that now seeing how it’s already 12:50 and lunch ends at 1.

Grace: As I thank him, say goodbye to my boss and hang up the phone I hear a noise coming from my bedroom. It sounds like breathing.

Grace: I haven’t look though my entire apartment yet and right now my heart is pounding through my chest. I can’t even think right now.

Grace: I open my bedroom door and there is a man sitting on my bed looking out the window! I scream in terror as loud as I can, hopefully other people can hear me!

Grace: He hears me scream and turns his head around so quick that it scared me more than when I first noticed him! I move as fast as I can towards the front door hoping to escape this man.

Grace: I struggle trying to open the door and unhook the chain. I stop and realize I don’t hear him coming after me. I look behind me and notice nobody’s there...

Grace: I slowly move away from my door. I can’t feel my arms or legs. While I take small breaths trying to be as quiet as possible. I don’t hear a sound.

Grace: What do I do? Call the police? Get help from a neighbour? WHAT IS THIS MISERIOUS MAN DOING IN MY HOME?! There are too many questions right now.

Grace: I’m so flustered! I’m going with my instincts. I’m going back into my room. I hope I’m doing the right thing here.

Grace: I make my way down the hall towards my bed room door. I discretely peak my head around the corner of my door and see the man sitting there... still, looking out the window, same exact spot.

Grace: I’m pretty sure there is something mentally wrong with this man. First he follows me around, wearing all black. Second he breaks into my apartment, and third he sits on my bed staring out the window...

Grace: At first I didn’t get a good look at his face so I try and take a closer look at him to see who he is but he’s faced away from me. He is still in all black with his hood up.

Grace: I’m honestly still pretty horrified... I walk in anyway. Only a few steps, before I get too close to him.

Grace: I decide to speak and ask, “Who are you? What are you doing here? Why are you following me? How did you get in my home?” Was that too many questions?

Grace: He turns his head slowly and takes off his hood. I’m so cared to see his face. He looks directly at me with clear blue eyes and instantly noticed it’s my husband!

Grace: But this is impossible. My heart stopped beating. I dropped to me knees and stared crying. As tears run down my face I cry out, “You’re supposed to be dead!”

Grace: Still looking at me, those eyes always made it seem like he was looking into me. He whispered “I love you Grace, with all my heat, just remember that.”

Grace: He stares at me for a while and turns his head looking at the window again. My face falls into my hands as I whimper. My mind is racing with all these different memories.

Grace: I suddenly picture him driving while I’m in the passenger seat, were looking at each other smiling and laughing. On our way to the cabin. Going 200 clicks down the high way.

Grace: Not paying attention, he drifts off the road. Next thing I notice is a semi truck headed towards us. Black surrounds me and my body is numb.

48Grace: I wake up in the hospital, with a broken leg, swollen and sore. I can’t remember anything. I ask if my husband is okay... he wasn’t.

Grace: My mind stops racing. I look up to see if this is real life, to see if he’s actually alive. I stop crying and notice nobody is there.

Grace: He vanished. Did I imagine this? Or have I just seen a ghost. It seemed so real, I must have seen him there.

Grace: I hear a knock on my front door; I quickly jump up to answer it. It’s my neighbour he said he heard a scream and was wondering if I was alright. I said yes thank you, everything was fine.

Grace: I shut the door and had a sense of happiness run though my body, knowing my husband is watching over me and keeping me safe after all this time. I just wish I had the chance to say, I love you too.

Twitter Fiction: Deveploping Character

My character in Twitter Fiction is a 30 year old named Grace. She has light red hair, very pale skin, big green eyes, a short and fit body. Lives in an apparntment and hardly has money to supply for herself, but yet still a hard worker. Emotionally she's depressed, sad, unhappy, miserable, unstable, scared, carring, likes thrill and broken. Grace follows a routine evereyday, she's a layed back person and seems to always be lost. A widow, bit of a hermit, isolated, and painfully average. Socialy she is a kind and generouse person, who's a little shy but warms up easily to people. Not all that talkitive but gets along with almost everyone but in some cases can be bitter. Seeing hoe Grace is a young widow it's been hard for her to get her life on track. It's only been a year since her husband passed and she tends to be lost and a little confused. It was such a tragic accident which made her emotionally unstable, so her social skills have gone down and made things worse for Grace.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Personal Addition #5

This is my super adorable kitten, her name is Willow. My sister and her boyfriend found her at The Harvest Moon Festival in a box that said "Free Kittens". They brought her home and I instantly fell in love with her. Willow is very energetic, friendly, playful and SO CUTE <3. She is the best cat and always will be!

Personal Addition #4

At the end of the year I wanted to try a new spot. My sister suggested I join rugby, she told me it was her favorite spot so I was so exited to start playing! I new it was aggressive but she said it was good for getting all your anger out. I show up to my first game with absolutely no idea what to do. I'm good at tackling people so that is exactly what I did. Two people ended up falling and stepping on my shin with their cleat and ended up with this massive bruise on my shin! 

Personal Addition #3

I am in hairstyling, this is one of my manikin heads that I work on doing all different types of hair styles. This one is an up-du called a French Roll I worked fairly hard on it and proud with my results . I got full marks :)

Personal Addition #2

I went to Five Guys for the first time yesterday! It was SO GOOD, I got a little cheese burger and it was that size of a normal one. I recommend going there :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Six Word Memoir - #8

Personally I very much dislike gossip and rumours. They are hateful and rude and I never believe them, anymore at least. The reason I compare rumors to tie-dyed shirts is because the dye spreads so fast and gets very colourful. Just like how rumours spread really fast and get colourful and by colourful I mean the story's change and made more... "interesting". They extend and never end up being the true story until you ask strait from the source. Rumors have been spread about me before and it really hurts when you hear someone saying something over your shoulder about you that isn't true. That's why I stay away from rumours and when I hear them I just brush it off. It happens to everyone weather you know it or not. Telling one person can effect a whole wave of people. I would just like to get the point across that it's not okay to start them or to spread them. I put this picture all black and white except for the tie-dye shits so they stand out. For my six words I made them bold, strait forward and simple so it's easy to read but it also makes it look serious.

Six Word Memoir - #7

I chose this picture because it looks like your in the middle of know where, and that's my exact vision. I want to get up and leave so bad, where I can be peaceful and happy. Where I can just look out into the beautiful sunset on the horizon and just sit there. I thought it was really cool because I actually pictured myself doing it. Right when I picked up the picture, in my eyes, looked like paradise. Hopefully one day I am able to move far away from everything and end up somewhere like here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Six Word Memoir - #6

I felt this picture goes perfectly to my quote. The dark surrounding of the picture represtents me where in standing in life, it's dark and I'm confused on where to go and what to do with my life. The very center of the picture represents my path of life, the backlane stretches so far you can't see the end or what to expect, but what you have to keep thinking is never stop, keep going, even if you're scared. Life doesn't come to you, go out and find it.

Six Word Memoir - #5

In my life I havn't been in many relationships, but i've learn a few things from my own experiances and others. Love can be the best thing that's ever happened to you but also the worst thing aswell. You can be so happy and have so much joy but then it can hurt you and cause so much pain. Even in any realationships,with your friends and family  I don't know if I've found the right person yet but I know I'm happy. It feels right and when we fight it always works out in the end, so that's what I've been going off of. I still have my whole life ahead of me but for right now I like to focus on the present.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

100 Things To Do Before I Die

1.Get a tattoo
2.Be in a flash mob
3.Climb a mountain
4.Save a life
5.Road trip across Canada
6.Stand under a plane ass it lands
7.Travel though Europe
8.Live in Calgary and B.C.
9.Go parasailing
10.Go on one of the biggest rollercoaster's in the world
11.Travel to Africa
12.Sky dive
13.Swim with sharks
14.Swim with dolphins
15.Ride an elephant
16.Donate blood
17.Get three more piercings
18.Go cliff jumping
19.Learn how to sail
20.Go backpacking
21.Save a puppy
22.Dance with Ellen DeGeneres
23.Compete in a crump competition
24.Run a marathon
25.Make a million dollars
26.Tour with a band
27.Get Married at an old age
28.Survive on an island
29.Experiance zero gravity
30.Fly a plane
31.Learn how to surf
32.Go to a boxing match
33.Go to space
34.Make a difference in someone's life
35.Make an important peach and recite it to a large crowd
36.Go to the moon
37.Learn how to longboard
38.Go to L.A.
39.Meet a big celebrity
40.Swim in a cave
41.Win money in the thousands
42.Live in china for a year
43.Travel to Australia
44.Take a picture with the Eiffel Tower
45.Meet Ryan Gosling
46.Go to Rome and Spain
47.Spend a night in Vegas
48.Drive a smart car
49.Drive a buggy
50.Drive a convertible
51.Go on the drop of doom
52.Buy a Benz
53.Own 3 cars
54.Meet my mom's side of the family
55.Jump off a bridge... and live.
56.Bunji jump
57.Win money
58.Walk down the great wall of China
59.Donate my hair to cancer
60.Help children in Africa
61.Help children in need
62.Own a pet snake
63.Travel everywhere in B.C.
64.Help build a home
65.Be in a movie
66.Visit the mountains of B.C.
67.Climb to the top of a Volcano
68.Live in a mountain
69.Own a littler of kittens
70.Buy a convertible
71.Live in California
72.Travel to L.A.
73.Take a pole dancing class
74.Go on a MASSIVE shopping spree
75.Meet Beyoncé
76.Go on a year trip
77.Design and make my own outfit
78.Drive a huge boat
79.Write a book and publish it
80.Write a song
81.Go to Ireland
82.Pet a Kangaroo
83.Meet the Harry Potter cast
84.Swin in the most clear water
85.Go scuba diving
86.Go to a Jets game
87.Spend a day in a hot hair balloon
88.Own 50 pairs of shoes
89.Take a picture with the leaning tower of Pisa
90.Own my own business
91.Shave my head
92.Travel to Italy
93.Own a teacup poodle
94.Spend the rest of my life with the person I marry
95.Meet the Queen
96.Have a kid
97.Go hunting
98.Go to the moon
99.Travel the world
100.Complete everything on my list