Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekly Response #3

Book: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Author: J.K. Rowling

Pages Read:  38-48

In this charper The Keeper of the Keys Harry finally gets to know Hagrid. The Dursley's and Harry right now are in the middle of know where and sunddenly... BOOMbursts through the door, looking for Harry of corse. His purpose is taking him to buy what he needs for Hogwats. For example, like his wand and cloak, things like that. The Dursley's try to kick Hagrid out but he's so big and aweesome to let them walk all over him. Hagrid came there for one reason and thats what he plans on doing. It turns out that it was Harry's Birthday at 12 o'clock and only Hagrid remembered, but that's to be expected.

As Hagrid expains to Harry about Hogwarts and why he's here, realizing all the thing's that the Dursle's kept from him like that he's a wizard. Hagrid brings up his parents and how they died for him. What Harry was told from the Dursley's was that his Parent's were in a car cash when they didn't at all, it was a lie. Harry's Aunt Petunia said they got "blownup". They cept that from himn the whole time.
Then I realized Harry probably wonders why he's so famous? And How the scar on his forehead appeared there.

Hargrid further explains to him who Voldemort is and how he's done vevry terrible things. Hagris chokes on the word voldemort everytime and people never say his name so they refer to Voldemort as "You-Know-Who". Hagrid tells Harry the story of his parents and say's that You-Know-Who killed them. He also tried to kill Harry but left the lightnigh blot scar insted. It was a big mistery to everyone how Harry lived, and left him with an evil curse. This expains why Harry has his scar and why he's famouse, was because he is he boy who lived.

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